Three Sports Clubs have come together to operate the sports pitches at Peterson Park. These are Glasgow Mid Argyll Shinty Club, BSC Glasgow & Glasgow Gaels GAA. They have formed a not for profit organisation called Peterson Park Playing Fields CIC.
Please state your Gender (please tick)?
Please state your age range?
Please let us know your postode location by stating the first two or three characters of your postode (Example G13, G12, G81) ?
Are you currently a member of a sports club using Peterson Park Playing Fields?
Have you previously used Peterson Park Pitches?
Would you like to see Peterson Park being managed and operated by the three sports club?
What sport and social related classes or events do you like to see within the area?
What would be your preferred time to use the site (please tick all times that are of interest)
What difference would using this site make to you?
Would you be interested in volunteering? (If so, please leave a name and contact number)