BSC Glasgow: Peterson Park, Knightswood
0141 339 3606

Volunteer at BSC Glasgow

Volunteer at BSC Glasgow

BSC Glasgow is always looking for volunteers to help run our sports club. If you are unsure what you can do, please get in touch with us, and we will find a suitable role. Below are just a few options that we require help with, but we are growing in size all the time, and new roles are becoming available weekly. Please fill out the form, and we will get back to you shortly.

* No experience is necessary as coach education and supervision are provided by The Club. Roles are open to Adults (18+). Some of the positions will suit older children too. This would be on a case-by-case basis, but they would need to be old enough to operate without constant adult supervision.

Please tell us your personal details.

Please click all that apply to you

*Behind-the-scenes help on match days (men's / women's first teams).
First aiders & team helpers to support the coaches.
Help in our Peterson Park cafe on Saturday mornings and at matches.
Sports Coaching with youth teams.
People to join our media team to film and report on all our teams.
Help with training kit distribution for our players.

Please tell us about your skills that you have.

Please tell us about yourself.